Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We have furniture. It is so nice not to be sitting on the floor as I type this. I have the kitchen completely unpacked. The bedroom is done; I'm just hanging pictures and such. I think that my books are going to smother us in our sleep. I have gone through most of the book boxes. I was able to unpack a few (mainly because there boxes were destroyed). I finally found all of my Thai Study books. They now live on top of my desk for the moment. I just need Sean to come home and take out the next round of boxes. I did the first two.


Jen Smith said...

I'm so happy for you! Furniture is wonderful, isn't it?

Now to send you a box of Trader Joe's goodies for your unpacked kitchen...

Lumie said...

Ah but the kitchen was the first thing unpacked and set up. We have everything unpacked but 5 boxes of books and all of the dvds.